Cookies Policy
Table of Contents
Cookies are special files that are located on Your computer and are designed to remember the platforms You visited. Besides, cookies speed up access to the desired site and facilitate its loading. This platform also uses the discussed technologies to secure that Our services are tailored to Your needs and to improve the quality of customer service. It should be noted that We do not use the above-mentioned special files to store confidential data, such as Your payment details, Your address, or Your name. We remind You that Your browser settings allow You to control the disconnection of cookies. Please note that when disabling cookies, some functions of Our site will not work correctly.
This Cookie Policy applies to the site and/or any sub-site and/or related domains (and/or sub-domains) of (from now on referred to as the “Website” or “Website”. In this Cookie Policy, the use of (“We”, “Us”, “Ours”, “We”) means “Online Casinos Expert” and “You”, “Your” and “User” and refers to an identified or identifiable natural person who is a user of this site and/or a user of any of its services. Below We provide complete data about Us, which includes Our contact details. If You need more data about the methods of processing Your confidential data, We suggest that You familiarize Yourself with Our Privacy Policy.
What is a Cookie?
Cookies are primarily special files in a text format that contain small amounts of info. They are stored in a special place on Your computer, smartphone, tablet, or any other device that You use to visit the platform. Each time You visit a site, the above-mentioned special files interact with it through a web server as part of an HTTP request. The use of the discussed technologies greatly facilitates the platform’s user identification process. This platform also uses cookies to secure that Our services are tailored to Your needs and to improve the quality of customer service. It should be noted that We do not use the above-mentioned special files to store confidential info such as Your payment details, Your address, or Your name.
How to use Cookies on the Platform
The discussed technologies are used to store data on the side of the user, but in practice, they are usually used for several tasks, which include, but are not limited to:
- facilitating the user authentication process;
- a place to store personal preferences and user settings;
- monitoring the status of the user’s access session;
- tracking and collecting data about transactions on the site;
- ensuring the confidentiality and security of site users;
We consider it ours task to optimize the use of the discussed technologies which will secure the best functionality of our portal.
Classification of Cookies:
- Essential cookies: these above-mentioned special files play an important role in ensuring Your comfort in the daily use of Our platform and to a large extent, secure the functioning of the platform. As a rule, We do not ask for Your permission to the use of these important files, however, You have the right to disable or delete them.
- Non-essential cookies: these are secondary files that are not needed to provide the basic functions of the site. They are designed to facilitate the work on our site. Mostly optional the discussed technologies are used for the following reasons:
One of the most common ways to use the above-mentioned special files is to obtain and analyze statistics about site users. The collection of such data allows us to determine the number of users and see the routes of their movement through the pages of the site. This allows us to study the needs of our customers.
We draw Your attention to the fact that in addition to cookies, which We use directly, third-party sites can download the above-mentioned special files to Your device. They are called “third-party” cookies, therefore we recommend that You study the policy of using such third-party cookies. As an example, We can cite third-party cookies of the Google Analytics property
You must understand that the use of links on Our site that redirect You to third-party resources is not subject to this Cookie Policy. In this case, You need to familiarize yourself with the cookie policy, which is governed by the owner of the third-party resource. This question is related to our Basic Privacy Policy.
Particular Cookies used on this Platform:
Contact form
Basically, this is the data that You provide to us in any request on Our part and that is connected to the provision of Our services. It includes messages and metadata associated with them.
A standard list of data received by the site (Your IP address, geolocation data, type of Your browser and version number, the operating system installed on Your device, referral source, frequency and duration of stay on the site’s pages, route for navigating the site). A complete list of scripts that collect the listed data can be found here.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a wide range of software tools with which user info is collected and analyzed, including personalized online advertising.
Info that contains data for subscribing to mailing lists and / or newsletters.
These scripts do not collect confidential data and therefore, cannot be disabled.
Managing Cookies
Modern browsers have a versatile assortment of data management tools. Therefore, Your browser will allow you to make flexible settings for actions regarding the above-mentioned special files. It is possible to prevent the browser from accepting the discussed technologies, or if you previously used cookies, you can delete them from your computer. You can allow the browser to accept only certain types of cookies. In this case, you should remember that the restrictions applied to the above-mentioned special files can lead to the incorrect operation of our site.